

Workshops that aim to raise awareness among children of what a regenerative and sustainable life means.



What is it?

eAula Alcúdia is an initiative that for the third year seeks to raise awareness among primary schoolchildren in the municipality of Alcúdia and the surrounding area of what a regenerative and sustainable life means.

More than 600 children will participate in the Auditori d'Alcúdia in an event in which they will be offered several workshops where they will be explained how the pollution that man is causing is affecting them and what ways there are to reverse this situation.

The Posidonia Marine Forest is a project for the recovery of posidonia meadows that is being developed in the waters of Pollença and is a pioneer worldwide. The workshop, which will be given by an IMEDA researcher, will allow students to learn more about Posidonia oceanica, a plant of vital importance for biodiversity due to its notable influence on the preservation of aquatic ecosystems and dune systems, and for its enormous importance as a store of organic carbon, which makes it a very important tool in the fight against climate change and in promoting the energy transition.

Students will be able to see samples of Posidonia, and learn how this Mediterranean plant develops and survives, as well as its vital importance.


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